Sunday, October 10, 2004


Many shapes are in the world,

many shapes are quite unique …

so if I name a shape or two …

what things might you seek?

Squares have four sides, ya know …

and all will measure the same.

How many items can you think of

in this “pick a square” game.

How about a television?

What about a table?

How about a picture frame?

What about a mailing label?

Triangles have only 3 sides …

an interesting shape, I’d say.

How many triangle style items,

can you think of today?

How about a slice of Pizza?

What about a piece of pie?

How about a pointy hat?

What about a pumpkin eye?

Circles have no sides, ya know …

or yet – a side that never ends.

Can you think any objects

with a line - that always bends?

How about a shiny ring?

What about a trampoline?

How about a pearl earring?

What about a pea so green?

There are so very many shapes,

some are yucky – some we love.

Now that I have named a few,

how many more, can YOU think of?

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